Saturday, 29 August 2009

An Art Exhibition Opportunity

Hey Hot Tamales,

I was trying to find a library around me so I could do research and I found an announcement for an art exhibition opportunity -talk about serendipity. I know it's not a "hot spot" location, but it's publicity and it gets your names around the Bay Area. I'm copying and pasting it for you guys if you're interested.

-Leslie Ann

San Mateo Public Library invites local artists to exhibit their
work at the San Mateo Main Library and at City Hall.
In October, the Art Exhibit Selection Committee will be reviewing art and
photography for inclusion in hanging exhibits in the galleries and artwork
for display in cases. The Committee is seeking art that represents the diversity
of our community, varied artistic styles and mediums. The jury process will
be for exhibitor bookings from January 2010 through December 2010.
Potential 2-dimensional exhibitors must have a minimum of fifteen (15)
pieces available to hang for the duration of the six-week exhibit period.
The Library has one display case on the 2nd floor for 3-dimensional artwork
and two locked glass cases are available at City Hall. Art pieces may be
available for sale, but that is not a requirement for exhibiting. Artists
interested in exhibiting are required to submit a CD with 5 to 10 examples
of their work and a completed Exhibitor Request Form (attached). In lieu
of submitting a CD, you may provide your website address with the specific
works you want the committee to view. Complete art galleries exhibition
details can be found in the Application Guidelines (attached).
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday, October 16, 2009 at 5:00 PM.
Additional copies of the Application Guidelines and the Request Form can
be picked up at the San Mateo Public Library, 55 West Third Avenue or
downloaded from the Library’s website:

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